Mixed Aged Classrooms - Excelled Montessori Plus

Mixed Aged Classrooms

Mixed Aged Classrooms – Proof is in the pudding.  Montessori classrooms are arranged so that younger children benefit from having older peers as role models and tutors. This helps assure that each child learns at his/her own pace even though it is the teacher who sets each child’s agenda. In the mixed-age classroom, children are always able to find a peer who is working at their level. Montessori teachers observe how commonly new students at all levels quickly become accustomed to the Montessori classroom mainly because of how the older children mentor the younger.

The main thing is that the groups should contain different ages because it has a great influence on the cultural development of the child. This is obtained by the relations of the children among themselves. You cannot imagine how well a young child learns from an older child; how patient the older child is with the difficulties of the younger. Maria Montessori

What makes the mixed-age classrooms unique is the amount of peer-to-peer teaching and learning that takes place. Children are more apt to learn from their peers than from adults. The older children serve as role models, not only socially but academically as well.

Mixed-age classroom grouping refers to the three-year age (level) span found in most Montessori Classrooms. The traditional divisions are as follows:

  • Infant – birth through 18 months
  • Toddler – 18 months through 3 years
  • Preschool/Kindergarten – ages 3-6

Read More at Benefits of Mixed Age
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 San Antonio, TX 78231
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San Antonio, TX - 78258
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San Antonio, TX - 78258
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